The Mindful Money Coach Blog

[:en]The Money & Mindfulness Dance: It may not be about money at all![:]

[:en]Many people feel stuck around money.  Perhaps you feel wrong about money. You may feel like you are not energetically able to receive. Or you might put blocks up to prosperity and can’t name why.  Sometimes we make it all about the money. What I always tell my clients is, let’s take a more holistic […]

[:en]Healing My Relationship With Money[:]

[:en]I had always had enough money — that wasn’t the issue. Growing up in a middle class family, there was always enough. And as an adult, I worked as a recruiter at a hedge fund and had done very well with investments in cryptocurrency. Yet, for some reason I felt a sense of tightness around […]

[:en]Shake, Rattle and Roll: 4 Ways to Close the Flight or Freeze Loop[:]

[:en]When we go through upsetting, confusing or unusual experiences in our inner lives we experience mental distress. This can result in changes to our behaviour and can impact our relationships. It’s often those closest to us who first notice that we’re in mental distress. Who among us hasn’t either said or been told: “You don’t […]

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